Friday, July 24, 2009

and if one day you wake up

and find that you're missing me....

have you ever lost a friend momentarily for whatever reason only to rekindle it again and find what it was that made you fall in love with them in the first place? its happened a fair few times in the last few weeks and if i could draw/film the images that i can see in my head i would be able to show you exactly how it makes me feel... it's like a drop of paint splashing into your soul, livening up nooks and crannies you forgot existed. And they'd grow outwards and fizzle off into every other part of you. Or like someone playing an instrument and you find yourself unfathomably happy when you hear a once familiar tune.. oh the wonders of rediscovered friendship...

also.. i found the cutest cafe.. 

which also makes me very happy

not as happy as you

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