Thursday, July 15, 2010

the good steward

firstly, i strongly dislike the westboro baptist church, i had a little look at their website and its just full of utter nonsense. No christian should so full of hate. But hey, who am i to judge, i'll let the big guy look after that. maybe in a smite-y sort of way.

secondly, i strongly dislike old men who drive lousy ford laser with the rego PIO 983. if you ever see him, stay away, he is likely to crash into you on purpose and try and blame it on you so he can claim insurance on his already stuffed up car. also, bonus points if you spot his wife/daughter with a beard.

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but the title of this post is the good steward so i must then deliver a post about the title. i stumbled across a book in the family toilet (yes, toilet reading) called "Daughters of Eve" by Virginia Stem, turning to the last page i found a table regarding the amount of emission and resources that were reduced in the production of the book. a paragraph above explained that as stewards we also need to take care of creation. now having been brought up in church for the past 20 so years almost every single sermon i've heard about stewardship has been about time or money. this book however has brought up the point that as good stewards the environment is also important. the sad thing is that we never hear about being eco friendly christians when it is an important issue. mr.b comes from a pretty eco friendly family so he has instilled a fair bit of eco friendliness in me. what a change it would make, if every christian decided to do their bit of the environment. we talk constantly about making a change in the world but some of us don't do much for the earth and are therefore not being good stewards. so, if you are a christian, be a good steward, plant a tree... or maybe just switch of the lights that aren't needed.

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