ah, stodgy cereal at 1:25am.. my lactose intolerance is gonna come and bite me in the butt.
pondering #1
exam question:
shen took notes with a pencil, 3 hours later, there are no visible pen marks on said pencil, but there are copious amounts of pen marks on my fingers.. how? i do not know..skills, i guess.
pondering #2
obviously shepherd was derived from sheep+herd.. why isn't it spelt sheepherd as opposed to shepherd.. it frustrates me that sheepherd is a spelling error and the red squiggly line has judged me to be wrong. also. colourful is correct.. not colorful, which mighty being decided that an americanized version of spelling was more appropriate? rude! apparently americanized needs to be capitalized. it's obviously late which is why i' picking fights with spellcheck but whatever. i'm right. americans are wrong. except steve jobs..
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